Comparison - So sánh hơn (cheaper, more expensive etc)

Dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ thành lập bằng cách:

adjective + -er khi là tính từ ngắn: cheapcheaper, largelarger, fastfaster, thinthinner ...
luckyluckier, earlyearlier ... (đuôi là -y thì chuyển thành -ier)
⇒ It's cheaper.
more adjective khi là tính từ dài: more serious, more expensive, more often, more comfortable ...
Cũng áp dụng cho trạng từ có đuôi -ly: more slowly, more easily, more seriously, more quietly
⇒ It's more expensive.
Dạng so sánh hơn + than + (để chỉ ra đối tượng so sánh).
⇒ You're older than me.
⇒ You're more patient than me.
Một số từ dùng -er hay more đều được: clever narrow quiet shallow simple
⇒ Can we go somewhere quieter / more quiet?
Một số tính từ, trạng từ không theo quy tắc:
good/well → better: The garden looks better since you tidied it up.
bad/badly → worse: He did very badly in the exam - worse than expected.
far → further (farther): It's a long walk from here to the park - further than I thought.

Một số trường hợp sử dụng so sánh hơn

much, a lot, far (= a lot), a bit, a little, slightly (= a tittle) + (so sánh)
⇒ Don't go by train. It's a lot more expensive (or much more expensive)
any / no + (so sánh) : ⇒ It isn't any bigger than ours.
Cấu trúc lặp từ ngắn better and better, từ dài more and more cho biết thay đổi liên tục.
⇒ Your English is getting better and better.
⇒ These days more and more people are learning English.
the ... the ... với so sánh : nói cái này phụ thuộc hay kéo theo cái khác.
⇒ The sooner the better.
⇒ The warmer the weather, the better I feel.
⇒ The more expensive the hotel, the better the service.
older là dạng so sánh hơn của old: ⇒ David looks older than he really is.
elder để nói về người trong gia đình: ⇒ My elder sister is a TV producer.

Adjective + Adverb: So sánh hơn

Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use a comparative form (-er or more ...).
Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it's only three degrees. It's it was yesterday. The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train. It takes by car. Dan and I went for a run. I ran ten kilometres. Dan stopped after eight kilometres. I ran Dan.

Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use much / a bit etc. + a comparative 
form. Use than where necessary.
Her illness was we thought at first, (much / serious)
This bag is too small. I need something .(much / big)
I liked the museum. It was I expected.(much / interesting)
It was very hot yesterday. Today it's . (a bit / cool)

Complete the sentences using a comparative form (older / more important etc.).
My job is a bit boring sometimes. I'd like to do something (interesting). It's a shame you live so far away I wish you lived (near). I was surprised how easy it was to get a job. I thought it would be (difficult). Your work isn't very good. I'm sure you can do . Don't worry. The situation isn't so bad. It could be .

Complete the sentences using the structure: (better and better, more and more ...)
1 It's getting to find a job. (difficult)

2 That hole in your sweater is getting . (big)

3 My bags seemed to get as I carried them (heavy)

4 As I waited for my interview, I became . (nervous)

5 As the day went on, the weather got (bad).

6 Health care is becoming (expensive).

7 Since Anna went to Canada, her English has got . (good)

8 As the conversation went on, Paul became (talkative)

Complete the sentences using the structure in Section D (the ... the ...): the sooner the better ...
1) I like warm weather. The warmer the weather, . (good / feel) 2) It's hard to concentrate when you're tired. The more tired you are, . (hard) 3) Kate had to wait a very long time. The longer she had to wait, .(impatient / become)

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